Second day in my village: the church, off course! This is Spain, how forget it!!!!!!!
My parents and me were waiting for the religious celebration. The chapel was too small for so many people, so we should stand outside for one hour.
El motivo de fondo de la fiesta no deja de ser una celebración religiosa. Se celebra que hace no sé cuántos siglos una imagen de Cristo transportada en carreta desde Zamora se quiso detener en este pueblo, atascada en un cenagal, y desde entonces se venera su imagen en la capilla del Real Hospital de la Purísima Concepción.
The reason of the celebration is a religious topic: the story about how a statue of Christ didn't want to go on in its way from Zamora to another city. This statue stoped in my village and none could move it any more, so now this Christ is the saint of my village.