This week I was working as voluntaire for helping the new erasmus student in my city. They need a short explanation about how the city works, the name of the quartiers, the better areas to live, the most interesting parts. etc.
The main goul of our work was that they find a good acommodation as soon as possible. We explain them short tips and a bit of the law of renting flats. Only the most important thing to prevent that the owners cheat them.
After the "hard work" we had a good party on saturday night. This was also to introduce them the style of life in Spain, hihi, very important! Party, party and more party! It was great!
This pictures show how I was dressing the day of the party:
I found in the party my new friends from France. They are two girls that are very very nice, I like them very much. I'm sure that they will be integrated very soon.
Yesterday was a very tiring day. It was the first day of my colaboration with the new erasmus student in my city. They need a help to start a new life here. And they are very nervous, a bit afraid and also a bit worried about the best way to find accommodation. I'm in a group of three youngs that help them to find a renting flat during this week. But also we give them tips about the daily life in Spain and in Valladolid.
When the day finished I phoned Rubio and Ele to know something about their lifes. They were laying on the grass of a park, near the faculties. I crossed the city to meet them and we were laughing very much and eating chocolate.
They look drunk, don't they? But not!!!!!They are like this!!!!!!!
Finally they bring me back to my flat and they were with me for one hour more. Rubio was reading my magazines of Architecture and this was the result...
Cuando por fin me decido a leer algo de Cortázar, cuando me está gustando y quiero disfrutar de su lectura, cuando estoy llegando al final del libro...
... me tengo que ir a Valladolid y me olvido el libro en casa de mis padres. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The celebration of the traditional ENCIERRO down the streets of my village at midnight is a very popular event. I don't like bulls, but I admit that the ritual looks great!!!!!!
I want to explain that the celebration of bull fightings in my village is not the tradition. Our tradition is something really older, very much primitiv, in connection with the rituals of catharsis from Crete and Micene. It consists of the act to cut across or block the way of the bull with the body for some seconds. The bull cannot be touched or injured, but the people can, off course. Every year some drunk men are injured, sometimes even killed. But this is our tradition...
The best of my village is that sometimes the "Aviler Sparkasse" and other cultural foundations give money to organize special and cultural events, like the Fray Luis de León´s Prize of Poetry. In this cases, I like to attend with my parents. The public used to be short and select.
After the presentation of the prizes and the reading of the poems, we were invited to attend at the Rathaus in order to have a small but nice appetizer.
Second day in my village: the church, off course! This is Spain, how forget it!!!!!!!
My parents and me were waiting for the religious celebration. The chapel was too small for so many people, so we should stand outside for one hour.
El motivo de fondo de la fiesta no deja de ser una celebración religiosa. Se celebra que hace no sé cuántos siglos una imagen de Cristo transportada en carreta desde Zamora se quiso detener en este pueblo, atascada en un cenagal, y desde entonces se venera su imagen en la capilla del Real Hospital de la Purísima Concepción.
The reason of the celebration is a religious topic: the story about how a statue of Christ didn't want to go on in its way from Zamora to another city. This statue stoped in my village and none could move it any more, so now this Christ is the saint of my village.
Aquí muestro algunas fotos de la víspera de las fiestas de mi pueblo, el momento en que la reina y sus damas de honor son coronadas.
Here I show pictures about the first moment of the party in my village, the moment when the queens take the crowns.
Entonces es cuando el alcalde nos dice su "saluda" y da paso al intelectual de honor que lee su discurso de agradecimiento y ensalzamiento, un momento glorioso, creo que voy a llorar... ;-)
Then, the mayor says some speech and an intelectual makes the honor to talk about our village. So nice!!!!!!
No hará falta que diga que mis padres escuchan atentamente y con emoción el sagrado momento. ¡Estamos en fiestas! ¡Qué alborozo!