Saturday, September 23, 2006

welcome week for erasmus

This week I was working as voluntaire for helping the new erasmus student in my city. They need a short explanation about how the city works, the name of the quartiers, the better areas to live, the most interesting parts. etc.

The main goul of our work was that they find a good acommodation as soon as possible. We explain them short tips and a bit of the law of renting flats. Only the most important thing to prevent that the owners cheat them.

After the "hard work" we had a good party on saturday night. This was also to introduce them the style of life in Spain, hihi, very important! Party, party and more party! It was great!

This pictures show how I was dressing the day of the party:

I found in the party my new friends from France. They are two girls that are very very nice, I like them very much. I'm sure that they will be integrated very soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uyuyuyuy prima..... creo que vamos a tener que ir a verte pronto, jeje.